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Genre | Dokumentation, Trailer, Portrait |
Role | Konzeption, Bildgestaltung, Tonaufnahme, Montage, Sounddesign, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung |
Field | Konzert, Musik, Performance, Theater, Veranstaltung, Sound Art |
Five artists compete against each other to win not only the title The Noise of Germany, but above all the hearts of the listeners. The combatants have shaken the horn of wonder of new music and are trying to win over the audience with excerpts from their favourite pieces.
For the New Music Casting Show initiated by the CRISPR.kollektiv, we produced five video clips integrated into the performance as well as a trailer and a project documentation.

Genre | Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung |
Field | Film, Musik, Veranstaltung, Konzert, Kultur, Geschichte, Provenienz |
The GEGENkino Festival is an annual international film festival in Leipzig since 2014. Working collectively and driven by cinephile passion, it aims to challenge entrenched viewing habits with unusual perceptions. The presentation of film and video art goes beyond a classical screening.
In 2022, the festival screened the Japanese silent film classic A page of madness, narrated live and set to music by benshi Ichiro Kataoka and pianist Reiko Emura. In the preceding panel discussion, the profession as a benshi was discussed, but also the Kataoka Record Project. Kataoka had given his collection of 3900 Japanese shellac records to the University of Bonn in 2012. The worldwide unique collection includes records from the years 1915 to 1950, mainly from the film and entertainment culture of Japan of those years.
We filmed the panel discussion as well as impressions from the live scoring and created a documentary of the evening.
Benshi: Ichiro Kataoka
Pianist: Reiko Emura
Panelists: Dr. Shiro Yukawa/ University of Bonn, Ichiro Kataoka, Florian Höhr/ Nippon Connection Festival

Genre | Interview |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonaufnahme |
Field | Bildende Kunst, Medienkunst, Veranstaltung, Film |
paradoks - at the edges of documentary is a festival situated between art and moving image, which is dedicated to showing documentary formats beyond the cinema screens. paradoks is a joint project of GEGENkino and the Filmische Initiative Leipzig (FILZ).
We documented the second edition of the video art festival in Leipzig, and filmed a series of talks with the artists involved in the exhibition.
Artists: Bani Abidi, Ben DeBurca, Ben Russell, Ginan Seidl, Barbara Wagner, Katrin Winkler
Moderation: Charlotte Bolwin, Undine Rietz

Genre | Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Montage |
Field | FLINTA*, Feminismus, Inklusion, Veranstaltung |
At the online symposium EmPOWERment of girls and young women in the context of migration and racism on 10 November 2020, speakers and participants exchanged views in lectures and workshops on topics such as Decolonial pedagogy, Recognising discrimination - what rights do girls have?, What can I do as a professional in cases of discrimination?, Violence in the name of honour and forced marriage - how can I as a professional provide adequate and racism-sensitive support?
We recorded the symposium and created a film, which gives an insight into the day: SISTERS* symposium

Genre | Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Konzeption, Montage, Tonaufnahme, Tonmischung |
Field | Bildende Kunst, Feminismus, Gemeinnützigkeit, Inklusion, Journalismus, Kultur, Veranstaltung, Natur |
A utopia - what does it actually look like? How can it be imagined, experienced or tested?
For six days, the grassroots-organised congress worked on drafts for a social-ecological utopia. Due to the Corona pandemic, the congress took place mainly online. Besides panel discussions, there was a broad art and cultural programme that creatively asked questions about a just, ecological and feasible future.
We accompanied the congress in its various facets on all days and produced a short documentary, a video for the fundraising campaign and various social media clips.
Music: Jeremy Hunter

Genre | Musikvideo, Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Greenscreen, Montage, Farbkorrektur |
Field | Musik, Kultur, Veranstaltung, Sound Art |
For the web edition of the Balance Club / Culture Festival Leipzig 2020 we accompanied the recording of three video DJ sets in front of green screen and realized their post production.
The Festival sees itself as an interface between club culture and social criticism. By interweaving discourse, art and club, it creates the possibility to explore counterculture in its many facets and to enable political debates. Balance is offensive, interdisciplinary, feminist, performative and hybrid.
DJs: ANTR, Carbon De Hydrate, Solaris
Visuals: Flufflord, Vanessa Opoku