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Genre | Experimentalfilm, Filmische Adaption |
Role | Konzeption, Bildgestaltung, Tonaufnahme, Montage, Sounddesign, Farbkorrektur |
Field | Feminismus, FLINTA*, Performance, Geschichte |
A new movement: Re*mapping Leipzig is an app that artistically conveys the history and present of Leipzig’s women’s:movements and makes both forgotten histories and current conflicts visible in the urban space.
with: Angelika Waniek, Mandy Gehrt, Patrizia Bieri
Project management: Бükü – Büro für kulturelle Übersetzungen, Mandy Gehrt, Julia Kurz, Johanna Ralser

Genre | Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung |
Field | Film, Musik, Veranstaltung, Konzert, Kultur, Geschichte, Provenienz |
The GEGENkino Festival is an annual international film festival in Leipzig since 2014. Working collectively and driven by cinephile passion, it aims to challenge entrenched viewing habits with unusual perceptions. The presentation of film and video art goes beyond a classical screening.
In 2022, the festival screened the Japanese silent film classic A page of madness, narrated live and set to music by benshi Ichiro Kataoka and pianist Reiko Emura. In the preceding panel discussion, the profession as a benshi was discussed, but also the Kataoka Record Project. Kataoka had given his collection of 3900 Japanese shellac records to the University of Bonn in 2012. The worldwide unique collection includes records from the years 1915 to 1950, mainly from the film and entertainment culture of Japan of those years.
We filmed the panel discussion as well as impressions from the live scoring and created a documentary of the evening.
Benshi: Ichiro Kataoka
Pianist: Reiko Emura
Panelists: Dr. Shiro Yukawa/ University of Bonn, Ichiro Kataoka, Florian Höhr/ Nippon Connection Festival

Genre | Ausstellungsfilm, Interview |
Role | Untertitelung, Montage |
Field | Feminismus, Forschung, Geschichte, Museum |
For the exhibition and curatorial intervention The Missed Seminar at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin and the permanent collection of the Albertinum in Dresden we did the subtitling and montage of exhibition clips.
The Missed Seminar re-activates archival material on the life, thought, writings, and relationships of Black feminist, anthropologist, and African American photographer Eslanda Robeson. Beginning with her friendship with German-Jewish Marxist philosopher Franz Loeser and their encounters in East Berlin in 1963, the curatorial study asks, What if their exchange had been the setting for a seminar? An exhibition and conversations unfold Robeson and Loeser's unfinished political aspirations and propose an intersectional blueprint on anti-fascism, Black feminism, and techno-politics.
Concept: Doreen Mende
Communication: Océane Vé-Réveillac

Genre | Ausstellungsfilm |
Role | Untertitelung |
Field | Geschichte, Museum |
The exhibition presented in the Paul Löbe House of the German Bundestag Involuntary Remembrance. On the Significance of the Wannsee Conference in History and the Present is dedicated to the Villa am Wannsee and its history.
We have subtitled four films embedded in the exhibition.

Genre | Ausstellungsfilm, Experimentalfilm, Dokumentarfilm |
Role | Farbkorrektur |
Field | Bildende Kunst, Film, Geschichte, Museum |
We did the color grading for the film Blast Furnace No II by filmmaker Su Yu Hsin, which has been shown since 2022 in the permanent exhibition of the Industriemuseum Henrichshuette in Hattingen.
Concept, Direction: Su Yu Hsin
Cinematography: Juliane Jaschnow
Stills @ Juliane Jaschnow/ Su Yu Hsin, Blast Furnace No II, 2022

Genre | Filmische Adaption, Dokumentation |
Role | Konzeption, Bildgestaltung |
Field | Geschichte, Musik |
In May 1925, at the height of his career, Alban Berg met the married Hanna Fuchs. His love for her, as hopeless as it is pathetic, plunges him into a life crisis. While his bourgeois façade begins to crumble, the artistic side takes on unheard-of blossoms. Obsessed with the idea that Hanna is destined for him, he weaves the longings he has kept secret into the composition of the "Lyric Suite" for string quartet. Berg works like a master cathedral builder, calculating everything down to the smallest detail in order to encode secret messages in the music: The piece is bursting with coded anagrams, quotations and number games. This only becomes known fifty years later with the discovery of his secret letters to Hanna, which went from Vienna to Prague for almost ten years. Among others, Theodor W. Adorno, Alma Mahler and Franz Werfel served as postillions d'amour.
Guided by the desire to experience this music, thought to be completely cerebral, as an insight into the composer's emotional world, as his musical psychogram, "1023" is more than a classical concert: the audience can expect a cross-media collage. Simultaneously with the performance of the "Lyric Suite" by the Schumann Quartet—"one of the very best formations of the current quartet flowering" (SZ)—the video artist Murat Haschu presents his interlinear version of the music on three projection screens. In addition, presenter Rebecca Maria Salentin will introduce the history of the work's creation and recite from Berg's letters beforehand."
Project Management: Marina Druzhinina, Бükü – Büro für kulturelle Übersetzungen
Sound Recording: Carsten Hundt

Genre | Filmische Adaption, Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonaufnahme |
Field | Geschichte, Theater |
The cultural and festival association Bruck organized a historical walk with scenic performances in summer 2021. The ensemble reenacted a court day in Bruck in the year of 1631.
We documented the play in public space.
Text: Alois Wittmann
Directing: Karin Michl
Actors: Kultur- und Festspielverein Bruck in der Oberpfalz

Genre | Dokumentarfilm |
Role | Recherche |
Field | Film, Geschichte |
Almost 20 years after Stefan Heym's death, his wife Inge Heym bequeathed the writer's working library, which had been compiled over decades, to his native city of Chemnitz. The filmmaker Beate Kunath, who is also originally from Chemnitz, accompanied Inge Heym's preparations for the transfer of the library of around 2500 books with her camera. Supplemented by archive footage with Stefan Heym, the result is a sensitive double portrait that offers surprising new insights into Heym's life and literary work.
We researched some of the archive footage for the film and clarified their royalty rights.
Script, Director, Cinematography, Editing: Beate Kunath
Still © Beate Kunath, Abschied und Ankunft, 2021

Genre | Filmische Adaption, Dokumentation |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Farbkorrektur, Montage, Tonaufnahme, Tonmischung |
Field | Feminismus, FLINTA*, Geschichte, Kultur |
The happening 30 Hours Round Table in cooperation with the Leipzig Women’s Festival brought together social initiatives and citizens on the Leipzig market square on 25 and 26 June 2021 to jointly set an example for social participation and gender justice. Based on the voices of the GDR women's movement of 89/90, the action created a space for remembrance, in which the future was negotiated with each other at the same time.
With the documentation of the event, we have produced a manual on how 30h Round Table works, or could work.
Concept, performance: Tanja Krone, Elisa Ueberschär
Stage: Kollektiv Plus X
Communication: Monika Krajka
Production: Muriel Zibulla
Sound Recording: Moritz Isenhuth
Partners: Leipziger Frauen*Festival, MONAliesA, Frauenkultur Leipzig, Havemann Gesellschaft

Genre | Filmische Adaption, Dokumentation |
Role | Konzeption, Bildgestaltung |
Field | Geschichte, Musik |
For the exhibition of the material-based cooperation project mtrl in the Werkschauhalle of the Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei, an exhibition film was created in spring 2021.
In the joint exhibition, the artists from Düsseldorf, Cologne and Leipzig involved in the project relate their sculptural positions, which were developed from different approaches to action. The exhibition examines which interests the individual artists have in certain, often found materials, which strategies they use, and whether attributions such as collage, assemblage, bricolage, or accumulation apply. The spectrum of materialities shown includes mycelium organisms as well as everyday, building, or industrial materials, movement, light, and sound.

Genre | Dokumentation, Interview |
Role | Bildgestaltung, Konzeption, Tonaufnahme |
Field | Architektur, Geschichte |
Under the title IWV - Innere Westvorstadt: Rueckgriff und Experiment im Leipziger Kolonnadenviertel, the architectural and historical context of the Kolonnadenviertel in Leipzig is illuminated to accompany the annual program of the Leipziger Kunstverein.
In video interviews with two of the architects primarily responsible, Dr. Frieder Hofmann and Siegfried Kober, Diana Felber and Juliane Richter explore the specific conditions of the late but productive postmodern phase of Leipzig architecture in the 1980s.