• Kante Film GbR
  • Spinnereistraße 7
  • 04179 Leipzig
  • mail@kante.film

  • Instagram

We are an association of five female filmmakers and media artists based in Leipzig. As Kante we realise commissioned works in the field of film and moving image that give visibility to socially relevant, artistic and sustainable topics.

We studied artistic film, media art, photography as well as ethnology, cultural and media studies at various universities. As Kante, we have experience in working with complex contexts. We approach topics with sensitivity and a critical-artistic eye.

It is important to us to realise projects under fair production conditions and at eye level with our clients. As a team, we work in solidarity and on an equal footing.

Together with our clients, we develop an individual concept for each project based on content and context. We have our own professional camera and sound equipment and expand our team as a flexible unit with partners from our network, depending on the production requirements.

Our previous clients include social and cultural institutions, educational establishments, museums, theatres, architecture and design offices, artists, musicians and curators. We realise event documentaries, exhibition and music films, theatre and concert adaptations, live streamings, site visits, portraits, performance films and trailers.

  • Consultation
  • Research
  • Conception
  • Camera, Image Design
  • Sound Recording
  • Live Streaming
  • Montage
  • Image Editing, Colour Correction
  • Greenscreen Keying
  • Sound Design
  • Subtitle Spotting
  • Accessible Subtitles
  • AD-Script Writing
  • Festival Distribution
  • Drone Flight Recordings

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2023 © Kante. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Kante Film GbR / Spinnereistraße 7 / 04179 Leipzig
E-Mail: mail@kante.film





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In anderen Umständen
Web Documentary
Anne Scheschonk & Offener Kanal Merseburg-Querfurt
Genre  Dokumentarfilm, Dokumentation, Interview, Portrait
Role  Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung
Field  Inklusion, Film 

In anderen Umstaenden (In different circumstances) is a web documentary. 12 people with learning difficulties talk about their experiences with wanting children and parenthood. And they demand from society: We want different circumstances!

Each protagonist is presented on the accessible website in several films: There is one message, one film with everyday scenes and one longer conversation per person. All the films will be published until the International Day for People with Disabilities on 3 December. We are editing a part of the films.

Script, Direction: Anne Scheschonk

Revision: Anne Scheschonk, Andrea Rüthel

Cinematography: Markus Kloth

Sound Recording: Claus Störmer

Editing (of some films): Peter Bräunig/ Blende39

Accessibility: Jana Keuchel/ INKKfilm

Sign Language: Katja Fischer/ FISCHSIGNS

Web Design: Lena Toschka/ black to wild

Programming: Manuel Graupner/ Kayba

Stills © Markus Kloth/ Anne Scheschonk, In anderen Umständen, 2023

Werkleitz Professional Media Master Class 2022
Werkleitz Gesellschaft Halle (Saale)
Genre  Dokumentarfilm
Role  Untertitelung
Field  Film, Medienkunst 

The Professional Media Master Class (PMMC) is an in-service or on-the-job program for media professionals who wish to professionalize themselves in a documentary film practice. The PMMC graduates form a strong network of artists in the region who deal with the complex issues of our time, are aware of their responsibility as opinion multipliers, are civically engaged and stand up for a solidary, fair and equal society with their projects and beyond.

For the films of the Professional Media Master Class 2022 we have spotted the English subtitles.

Filmstills © Thomas Brück, Begehung, 2023

Lauchhammer – Tod in der Lausitz
Role  Barrierefreie Filmfassung, Untertitelung
Field  Film 

The ARD crime series Lauchhammer - Death in Lusatia is about the search for a murderer in six episodes. The story is told about a unique landscape around the small town of Lauchhammer and the lignite mining area, a region in transition and the people who are rooted there. We collaborated on the barrier-free subtitling of the series.

Collaboration with Jana Keuchel: INKK Film

A page of madness - live scoring / Kataoka record project
GEGENkino Festival Leipzig
Genre  Dokumentation
Role  Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung
Field  Film, Musik, Veranstaltung, Konzert, Kultur, Geschichte, Provenienz 

The GEGENkino Festival is an annual international film festival in Leipzig since 2014. Working collectively and driven by cinephile passion, it aims to challenge entrenched viewing habits with unusual perceptions. The presentation of film and video art goes beyond a classical screening.

In 2022, the festival screened the Japanese silent film classic A page of madness, narrated live and set to music by benshi Ichiro Kataoka and pianist Reiko Emura. In the preceding panel discussion, the profession as a benshi was discussed, but also the Kataoka Record Project. Kataoka had given his collection of 3900 Japanese shellac records to the University of Bonn in 2012. The worldwide unique collection includes records from the years 1915 to 1950, mainly from the film and entertainment culture of Japan of those years.

We filmed the panel discussion as well as impressions from the live scoring and created a documentary of the evening.

Benshi: Ichiro Kataoka

Pianist: Reiko Emura

Panelists: Dr. Shiro Yukawa/ University of Bonn, Ichiro Kataoka, Florian Höhr/ Nippon Connection Festival

Coming of Age
Subtitling, Distribution
Villa K Cultural Association
Genre  Dokumentarfilm
Role  Untertitelung, Distribution
Field  Film 

Coming of Age is an interview based documentary film by Anna Maria Friedrich: Ruth was sent by her parents from Schmalkalden to the USA in 1939 to escape the Holocaust. In an exchange with Luai, who came to Schmalkalden from Aleppo as an unaccompanied refugee in 2015, a cinematic dialogue emerges about flight and arriving in a different society.

We provided bilingual subtitles for the film, and are currently distributing it to international festivals.

Regie: Anna Maria Friedrich

Blast Furnace No II
Colour grading
Su Yu Hsin
Genre  Ausstellungsfilm, Experimentalfilm, Dokumentarfilm
Role  Farbkorrektur
Field  Bildende Kunst, Film, Geschichte, Museum 

We did the color grading for the film Blast Furnace No II by filmmaker Su Yu Hsin, which has been shown since 2022 in the permanent exhibition of the Industriemuseum Henrichshuette in Hattingen.

Concept, Direction: Su Yu Hsin

Cinematography: Juliane Jaschnow

Stills @ Juliane Jaschnow/ Su Yu Hsin, Blast Furnace No II, 2022

Ginevra Panzetti & Enrico Ticconi
Genre  Experimentalfilm
Role  Distribution
Field  Performance, Film, Architektur 

SILVER VEILED is a video work by the artist duo Ginevra Panzetti and Enrico Ticconi. In a choreographic series of revelations, SILVER VEILED explores the symbolic power of the flag in its ability to contain different values and evoke contradictory feelings of belonging and separation.

We distributed the film international festivals.

  • Selected Screenings:
  • 05/2021 Dublin Dance Festival (UK)
  • 11/2021 Torino Film Festival (IT)
  • 03/2022 Kinetoscope – International Screendance Film Festival (USA)
  • 07/2022 Tranås at the Fringe – International Arts Festival (SWE)
  • 08/2022 Odense International Film Festival (DK) / International Experimental Competition
  • 09/2022 On Art Film Festival (PL)
  • 09/2022 Futur Performance Film Festival Hamburg (DE)
  • 10/2022 Portland Dance Film Fest (USA)
  • 10/2022 Imajitari Dance Film Festival (ID) / Jury Award Best Dance Film
  • 10/2022 POOL – Movement Art Festival Berlin (DE) / Jury Award
  • 10/2022 Exeter Dance International Film Festival (UK)
  • 10/2022 BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival (ESP)
  • 01/2023 Multiplié Dance Film (NOR)
  • 02/2023 Greensboro Dance Film Festival (USA)
  • 03/2023 Festival Video[An]Danza Internacional (USA)
  • 05/2023 Video Art Miden (GR)

Directors, Performance: Ginevra Panzetti, Enrico Ticconi

Assistent Director: Ilaria di Carlo

Sound Design: Sergio Salomone

Cinematography, Editoring: Ettore Spezza

Sound Mix: Max Costa

Stills © Ettore Spezza, SILVER VEILED, 2021

The Broken Pitcher
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
Genre  Interview, Ausstellungsfilm
Role  Untertitelung
Field  Film, Medienkunst 

The Broken Pitcher is an exhibition project consisting of a walk-in spatial installation, a film and video interviews. Based on the financial crisis in Cyprus, the question of how our financial system works and how we could intervene in its processes and change them is negotiated.

For the exhibition at the GfzK Leipzig we subtitled four video interviews with different thinkers.

Project management, director: Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Marina Christodoulidou, Peter Eramian

Exhibition planning: Franciska Zólyom, Ulrike Uhlig

Partners: Kunstraum Thkio Ppalies Nicosia, House of World Cultures Berlin, Lenbachhaus Munich, Beirut Art Center

paradoks – at the edges of documentary
GEGENkino & Filmische Initiative Leipzig
Genre  Interview
Role  Bildgestaltung, Montage, Farbkorrektur, Tonaufnahme
Field  Bildende Kunst, Medienkunst, Veranstaltung, Film 

paradoks - at the edges of documentary is a festival situated between art and moving image, which is dedicated to showing documentary formats beyond the cinema screens. paradoks is a joint project of GEGENkino and the Filmische Initiative Leipzig (FILZ).

We documented the second edition of the video art festival in Leipzig, and filmed a series of talks with the artists involved in the exhibition.

Artists: Bani Abidi, Ben DeBurca, Ben Russell, Ginan Seidl, Barbara Wagner, Katrin Winkler

Moderation: Charlotte Bolwin, Undine Rietz

Farewell and Arrival. The Working Library of Stefan and Inge Heym
Beate Kunath
Genre  Dokumentarfilm
Role  Recherche
Field  Film, Geschichte 

Almost 20 years after Stefan Heym's death, his wife Inge Heym bequeathed the writer's working library, which had been compiled over decades, to his native city of Chemnitz. The filmmaker Beate Kunath, who is also originally from Chemnitz, accompanied Inge Heym's preparations for the transfer of the library of around 2500 books with her camera. Supplemented by archive footage with Stefan Heym, the result is a sensitive double portrait that offers surprising new insights into Heym's life and literary work.

We researched some of the archive footage for the film and clarified their royalty rights.

Script, Director, Cinematography, Editing: Beate Kunath

Still © Beate Kunath, Abschied und Ankunft, 2021

Futur Drei. Amon as a Plant Parent
ASMR video
Jünglinge Film & Salzgeber
Genre  Tutorial
Role  Bildgestaltung, Tonaufnahme
Field  Film, LGBTIQ+, Natur 

"Salam, come closer and repot plants with Amon! Get ready for the tingling, because yes, this is an ASMR video."

The streaming release of Faraz Shariat's film Futur 3 was celebrated in April 2021 with an online festival. Thematically linked to the film, we shot an ASMR video together with Eidin Jalali: Plant Parent Amon demonstrates how to repot a houseplant.

with: Eidin Jalali

Editing, Colour Grading: Clarisse Destailleur

In anderen Umständen
Web Documentary
Anne Scheschonk & Offener Kanal Merseburg-Querfurt
Werkleitz Professional Media Master Class 2022
Werkleitz Gesellschaft Halle (Saale)
Lauchhammer – Tod in der Lausitz
A page of madness - live scoring / Kataoka record project
GEGENkino Festival Leipzig
Coming of Age
Subtitling, Distribution
Villa K Cultural Association
Blast Furnace No II
Colour grading
Su Yu Hsin
Ginevra Panzetti & Enrico Ticconi
The Broken Pitcher
Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
paradoks – at the edges of documentary
GEGENkino & Filmische Initiative Leipzig
Farewell and Arrival. The Working Library of Stefan and Inge Heym
Beate Kunath
Futur Drei. Amon as a Plant Parent
ASMR video
Jünglinge Film & Salzgeber